Join us for our new fortnightly online quiz. With general knowledge, music and news rounds, we'll have a bit of a laugh together as we see who is this week's champion. The prize? Absolutely hee haw! Just the internal glow that you will have, knowing you are this week's best quizzer. 

The quiz is online, so you'll need access to a computer, laptop or tablet, and of course, the internet!  We will be using Google Meets. You don't need an account or anything, just the link, which will be sent to you on the day of the Quiz. We will also send instructions about how to use Meets (It's dead easy, so don't panic!!) 

Your host will be Graham, who works at the Hospice and used to run a weekly online quiz during the pandemic to help staff wind down after a busy week!  

And just to make it even better... it's free! 

We look forward to seeing you there!

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You cannot book tickets for past events.

MYlife is a service provided by Ardgowan Hospice, which is registered in Scotland under charity number SC011541, and company number SC075515 at 12 Nelson Street, Greenock, PA15 1TS.
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