At the heart of MYlife is our calendar of events.

We have a calendar with a range of offline and online events. There may be physical events like tai chi, ZUMBA, chair exercise, and walking groups. We host events that inform and challenge our thinking. Some of those might be online- great for early evenings and when it's raining! (Does it ever rain around here??). We might have trips to the theatre, galleries, gigs, and other ways of getting to know our part of the world. Additionally, we may have a writer's group and various arts and crafts activities. 

You might say...this sounds a bit vague! Well, it is. Deliberately. Because we want the Calendar to be designed by you. The members. Tell us what you want. What things would you like to try? Maybe something you used to do, that you'd love to rediscover! 

We want our Calendar to be affordable. We promise that at least a third of the events will be FREE to members. And a third will be under a tenner. And even those over a tenner (things like theatre trips) will be a special discounted rates! 

We go beyond 9-5, Monday to Friday. We want the Calendar to have things to do all week round, even some at night! How daring, eh? 

Want to see all the events at a glance? 

We know the scroll of events below is a bit of a pain. Sometimes you just want to see what's coming up at a glance! Well, we've found a way to share a monthly calendar with all the events. 

You need to come back here, though, to book! 

See the Monthly Calendar

Let us know how it went!

We hope you really enjoy coming along to one of our events. To help us make them better, we need to hear from you. Help us by filling out our wee form.  

How was it for you?

Upcoming Events

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MYlife is a service provided by Ardgowan Hospice, which is registered in Scotland under charity number SC011541, and company number SC075515 at 12 Nelson Street, Greenock, PA15 1TS.
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