laptop of online meeting

TOGETHER - Join the Conversation, an invitation

Each Wednesday at 3:30, for over three years now, people from many different backgrounds have joined in a Together session on Zoom to talk about life. We share understanding, kindness and learning with each other - and we all really want to hear what you think. Everyone is treated with respect, we gain an amazing amount from being together for just an hour or so, and we have a lot of fun along the way - even with some of the least fun topics. 

This is your invitation to drop in and join us. You can participate or just listen, be seen or not, and hopefully think it’s great and you’re among friends. 

To join in on Wednesdays at 3:30 simply book your free place in advance and we will share the link on the day of the session.

Our discussion host is Paul Springer. Paul has all sorts of qualifications, his favourite ones being that he’s old and has a sense of humour. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health, Royal Society of Medicine, and is former Star Wars monster.  

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Together Online Weekly Free
MYlife is a service provided by Ardgowan Hospice, which is registered in Scotland under charity number SC011541, and company number SC075515 at 12 Nelson Street, Greenock, PA15 1TS.
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